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The thin everyday scarf is a perfect first project. This pattern is a part of my beginner edit because the scarf is quick and easy to knit and you end up with a perfect everyday scarf that can be used for both every day and for prettier occasions.



One size



Puno Petit from Rauma yarn

Plum from Rauma yarn


Yarn consumption:

One skein of every quality



10cm = 14 s



The scarf should be knitted back and forth. One round straight and one round of delusional. The masks on each side, the edge masks, are always knitted straight. Both on the right side and the wrong side. The mask next to the edge mask should always be knitted inside out, both on the right side and on the wrong side.


You can choose for yourself how long and how wide you want the scarf to be. If you use the measurements I have in this recipe, the scarf will look like the pictures



  • Full length: 150cm

TheThinEveryday scarf English

kr 50,00Pris
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